Friday, April 13, 2012

Changes in the Air

I haven't been very active on the blog in the past few months, but behind the scenes I've been working feverishly to update my website, create a new body of original work to sell, and learn some new techniques for sharing all my activity with you.

I'll be able to go public with most of the new stuff next week, but I have implemented a NEW newsletter to share with my collectors and friends. The inaugural issue is almost ready to launch, and you can sign up to get it via email in the box on the left. I promise it will be fun, informative, and maybe include a few special deals for subscribers.

The newsletter is powered by MailChimp, a fantastic FREE service that lets me easily communicate with you, while protecting your privacy. (I'm pretty big on privacy, so that tells you I'm definitely older than 20.) Plus, their logo is a monkey --what could be better?

More details to follow, but in the meantime, enjoy the spring and stay tuned.

P.S. As always, if you'd like to commission a Rainbowdog portrait, you can shoot me an email, or just write and tell me what a great dog you have.

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